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Pregnancy & Parenting CL ScooPP!

Check out what's new, things to know,

milestones, and grab some promos for your boards!


March 4, 2008

This month's ScooPP is brought to you by CMAmyH
Spring is a great time to try something new on your board.  Looking for some fresh ideas?  Be sure to visit the team board often and try to use the best path to get there - http://ivillage.com/ccafe.  The team board is brimming with ideas from the Moderators and other CLs.  In fact, we've given them their own folder...Ideas for Your Community - http://messageboards.ivillage.com/iv-ivparenting/?ctx=2097152  Grab an idea to use on your board, and share your own (an interesting topic, something that really got your members talking, etc.)
Have a milestone on your board or in your life?  Started a new job?  Just found out your having a boy or girl?  Did a member post something so hysterical that you can't help but share?  Share it with us in the Me, Members & Our News folder - http://messageboards.ivillage.com/iv-ivparenting/?ctx=1048576
It's the mother of all post offs!  You won't want to miss this. Stay tuned for more details. http://messageboards.ivillage.com/n/mb/message.asp?webtag=iv-ivparenting&msg=8126.1&ctx=0  What's a post off and how do you get one going?  Visit our Tips & Tricks thread for CLs who have been there, done that - http://messageboards.ivillage.com/n/mb/message.asp?webtag=iv-ivparenting&msg=8274.1&ctx=0
Has a member ever posted a really great "This board really helped me"  type of story on your board?  Big or small, we'd love to see them.  Share them here - http://messageboards.ivillage.com/n/mb/message.asp?webtag=iv-ivparenting&msg=8199.1&ctx=2097152
Have a Tech issue?  Please troubleshoot first - (note this link is for CLs only) http://www.ivillage.com/ccafe/clupdates/0,,rcwb,00.html#report   If you (as a CL) are still unable to get something to work properly, please post to Tech Talk - http://messageboards.ivillage.com/iv-ivttalk with as much information as possible.   Please refer regular members to Customer Support - http://www.ivillage.com/support/0,,qk3w,00.html but give us a head's up to any complaint thread in case e-mail isn't working properly.  Members filing a report with CS will help us track and gauge how large a problem is so it's very important that they take the time to go through the steps.
If you've not been to the team board lately, you might not know that we're experiencing technical difficulties with e-mail.  As always, if you or a member contacts us but haven't received a reply after 2 business days, please let us know!  We will never ignore you so don't give up on us.  Just jump on the team board and let us know so we can look into it further!  If you've RAV'd a post that you're sure is a violation, it doesn't hurt to post it on the team board so we can review it and let you know there.
And now...on with The ScooPP!

The Pregnancy & Parenting Team

Brainstorms & Team Talk

If you're interested in what other CLs have had work for a problem that you are encountering, e-mail pclmail@mail.ivillage.com.  Contributors are kept private and we'll tweak issues to make them more general so no one can figure out who submitted.  Whether it's a problem with a co-CL or a problem with hubby not understanding your time online...these are all important issues that make CL'ing more difficult than it should ever be!  So let us put our thinking caps on and find a solution together.  =)


Important Don't Miss! Information!

  • Board Reports!
    Don't forget that board reports are at the end of each month!

    You can find the form to use here:

  • Milestones/Anniversaries!
    Please make sure to put Milestone/Anniversary in the subject of your email.  I don't want to miss out on noting your accomplishment! (Additional instructions below in our Milestone/Anniversary section)

  • Boards Needing CLs!
    With over 600 message boards, there is bound to be a board needing a host that sparks your interest.  Or, maybe you know a member who would be the perfect fit on a board.  Check out the list of available boards open on the Pregnancy & Parenting channel!





Congratulations to
March 2008's CL of the Month!


Board milestones: 

December 2005 200,000+ posts

Posting Milestones:

July 2006 20,000+ posts


9 years

7 years

6 years

5 years

4 years

3 years

2 years

1 year

Do you have a board or posting milestone?
Have you recently celebrated an anniversary as CL?
Please send an email with your CL name, milestone, board name and board URL to
*Please be sure to put Milestone/Anniversary in the subject, so your email isn't missed!*
Message board milestones will be acknowledged at the following markers:
10,000 / 25,000 / 50,000 / 75,000 / 100,000 / 150,000 / 200,000 etc.
Personal Milestones will be acknowledged at the following markers: 
250 / 500 / 750 / 1,000 / 1,500 / 2,000 etc.
Anniversaries will be added to the newsletter once per month.  Please note: anniversaries are listed under original start name, and are noted for your overall CL status, not per board.  Thank you! =)